First General Assembly in Grenoble!

First General Assembly in Grenoble!

On 2th of February 2023, the AM4BAT consortium met face-to-face in Grenoble. It was a while from our first meeting online.


During the meeting, partners exchanged recent advances, as well as the work planned for the upcomming months.


About the project:

The overall objective of AM4BAT is to develop an anode-free solid-state battery (SSB), fabricated by Vat Photopolymerization 3D printing by LCD reaching energy density of 400 Wh/kg and 1000 Wh/L for Electric vehicles (EV) applications.

The assembly and validation of a 3-Ah cell is aimed with a charge capability of 70% of its total capacity in 5 minutes and cyclability of 3.000 cycles reaching 80% of the initial beginning of load.


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